Photo stories
Step by step to your desired result
Discover our captivating photo stories and let our experts guide you through the process of building your own dream home.
We understand that the path to a dream garden home is not just about wood, but about passion, creativity and careful planning. Our photo stories offer you an exclusive insight into the building process. Discover how easy it can be and let us realize your dream together.
We understand that the path to a dream garden home is not just about wood, but about passion, creativity and careful planning. Our photo stories offer you an exclusive insight into the building process. Discover how easy it can be and let us realize your dream together.

Leisure house
Leisure houses in the 45plus and 70plus series offer a great deal of comfort if you want to use the house for parties, as a garden office or workshop. High rooms and doorways, insulated window and door glass, a special corner connection and the option to insulate the roof are key features of these houses.